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Secondary electron emission (SEE) of metal and dielectric materials plays a key role in multipactor discharge, which is a bottle neck problem for high-power satelliate components. Measurements of both the secondary electron yield (SEY) and the secondary electron energy spectrum (SES) are performed on metal samples for an accurate description of the real SEE phenomenon. In order to simplify the fitting process and improve the simulation efficiency, an improved model is proposed for the description of secondary electrons (SE) emitted from the material surface, including true, elastic, and inelastic SE. Embedding the novel SES model into the electromagnetic particle-in-cell method, the electronic resonant multipactor in microwave components is simulated successfully and hence the discharge threshold is predicted. Simulation results of the SES variation in the improved model demonstrate that the multipactor threshold is strongly dependent on SES. In addition, the mutipactor simulation results agree quite well with the experiment for the practical microwave component, while the numerical model of SEY and SES fits well with the sample data taken from the microwave component.
Multipactor discharge, known as the resonant secondary electron (SE) avalanche effect, is a phenomenon caused by secondary electron emission (SEE) and its synchronism with electromagnetic wave.[1–3] In recent years, with the wide spread application of high power microwave components in the space-industry, multipactor issues have become a huge potential risk.[4–8] When it occurs, accelerated electrons deposit considerable energy on a tiny spot, leading to power dissipation, electrical performance degradation, surface damage, and even irreversible device destruction.[6,9,10]
Multipactor discharge depends on many factors, among which the most important one is the SEE property of the material. The secondary electron yield (SEY) and secondary electron spectrum (SES) are commonly used to characterize the SEE properties of materials. SEY significantly affects the multipactor threshold.[11–16] Vaughanʼs formulism was based on a semi-empirical equation fitted to the total secondary electron yield for a given material.[1,17,18] Furman and Pivi gave a model that distinguished different physical mechanisms and probabilities of secondary electron emission, including inelastic and elastic scatterings.[18,19] However, there were many unphysical parameters in the Furman model, which made exact fitting very difficult. Chung and Everhart presented a simple calculation of the energy distribution of low-energy secondary electrons.[20] The normalized model was brief, containing no free parameters, and had a good fit to experimental data in its low-energy end. However, this model only described the true-secondary electron of SEE. In addition, the accurate full wave simulation investigation means of multipactor and the quantitative relationship between SES and multipactor are still lacking.[21–25] In this paper, an improved numerical model is proposed. This model mainly describes the energy spectrum distribution of the secondary electrons emitted from the metal material surface, including true, elastic, and inelastic secondaries. In addition, based on the SES measurements and multipactor simulation software MSAT,[13,14] the numerical relationship between SES and multipactor threshold is established. Effects of the SES on multipactor analysis of microwave components are investigated numerically and experimentally. The results of simulation and experiment indicate that the threshold prediction accuracy reached 0.3 dB in multipactor simulation, while the improved SES model fitting accuracy reaches 99%.
SEE phenomenon is described by two main parameters SEY and SES. For a steady monoenergetic electron beam impinging on a metal surface, SEY is defined by
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According to the figure configuration in the high-energy end, the distribution function for the elastic electrons is given by
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Similarly, the SES for the rediffused electrons is given by
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Consider an energetic primary electron impinging on a semi-infinite metal plate in a vacuum. The incident primary direction is denoted as the z axis. We only consider the case of normal incidence, and assume that the secondary electron excitation process is isotropic. That is, all directions of motion of an excited internal secondary electron are equally probable. We assume that any scattering of an excited secondary electron with the electron gas in the solid produces absorption, hence only electrons that are not scattered between their point of excitation and the surface can escape. This assumption is believed to be correct for low-energy excited electrons as the energy loss involved in a scattering with the electron gas is appreciable. When the energy of the excited electron increases, the assumption becomes more approximate. As we use a degenerate free-electron-gas model for the solid, collisions with the ions and other band-structure-related effects are automatically precluded. We have
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From Eqs. (
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In the literature, the secondary energy spectrum has never been taken into account for multipactor simulation. Difficulties lie not only in the measurement but also on the curve fitting. In our previous work, the simulation method of multipactor, MSAT, was established based on the EM-PIC method.[13–15]
Since the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is adopted for EM field calculaton, the studied object is first discretized into small meshes. Then, the particle-in-cell (PIC) method is used for the calculation of electron dymamics. Macroparticle, rather than the real electrons, is used in the model for numerical simplification.
The three-dimensional multipactor simulation involves the following five main steps: (i) three-dimensional modeling of the component and spatial discretization, (ii) fields and particles initialization, (iii) the field-to-electron and electron-to-field iteration calculation, (iv) secondary electron emission modeling, and (v) multipactor threshold prediction. Then, through electron trajectory tracking and collection, multipactor discharge threshold of the practical component can be analyzed from the transient evolution trend of the secondary electron number or total electron number.
In this paper, by using the established SES models, the emission energy spectrum has been successfully described and embedded in the numerical algorithm of multipactor simulation, as shown in Fig.
A typical microwave component, the impedance transformer, is selected for the analysis and simulation validation of multipactor. The test frequency is 12 GHz. The three dimensional model and dimensions are shown in Fig.
The EM-PIC method with the improved model is utilized to investigate the effect of SES on the multipactor threshold. Multipactor simulations with different SES distributions while keeping the same SEY are performed on the impedance transformer. The low energy end is mainly related to the TSE part. Thus, the parameter scanning investigation of
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Multipactor threshold with different peak values and half peak widths within the low-energy end. |
In addtion, for this transformer, it is found that when the maximum of the low-energy peak increases from 0.127 to 0.641, the multipactor threshold is elevated by 3.2 dB. When the half peak width decreases from 12.02 to 2.32, the multipactor threshold is elevated by 3.2 dB. It is indicated that the simulation accuracy of the multipactor strongly depends on the accuracy of the SES model and data used in the simulation.
The SEE properties of the same material may vary to a large extent for different surface states. Consequently, measurement data in the literature are not sufficient to describe the surface SEE of a concrete device in practice, especially for the multipactor threshold simulation. By using the established UHV system, SEE data of samples under the same processing procedure and condition of practical components are measured and fitted by the SES model.
The samples are shaped in a rectangle of 20 mm×15 mm, coated by
![]() | Table 1.
Parameters for the fit of the improved SES model of silver-coated samples. . |
By using the established measurement system and the improved SES models, the real emission energy spectrum has been successfully measured and fitted. In our previous work, the EM-PIC simulation method of the multipactor has been established. Embedded in the fitted SES model, multipactor simulation on practical components considering the real SEE description is implemented.
As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 9. (color online) Multipactor measurement system: (a) the schematic diagram, (b) platform picture. |
![]() | Fig. 10. (color online) Prototypes of the impedance transformer: (a) pieces of the transformer, (b) assembled device. |
![]() | Table 2.
Comparison of simulated multipactor thresholds with experiments. . |
An improved model is proposed for the description of the emission energy distribution for secondary electrons in multipactor simulation. The emission energy distribution upon certain incident energy is well described and fitted by the improved model. Based on the measured data, the fitted model is utilized to mimic the surface emission state of practical components. The whole energy range of the incident electrons is described with improved accuracy according to the measured data and it is simplified for the utilization in multipactor simulation and suppression. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate that the fitting accuracy of 99% in SES and SEY, and threshold prediction error of 0.3 dB in multipactor simulation are reached, respectively, which is promising for multipactor design in space applications.
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